Thursday, October 13, 2011


I am Ruslana Shamanska. I have been teaching English at Hadiach school #4 for 10 years. In 2007 I became the finalist of the TEA-program (Teaching Excelence and Achievement). In autumn 2008 I spent 6 weeks at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
After my participation in TEA-program I try to be an active alumna. I am trying to use all oppotunities which gives me IREX and the Embassy of the USA.
For example:
2009 - hosting American teacher of English - Kate English, USA, Connecticut.
2010 - participation in on-line course "Building teaching skills through the interactive WEB" University of Oregon
2010 - won a small grant of IREX for the opening of the resource centre for the teachers of English in our school and conducting there seminars and training for ESL teachers.
2011 - (Kyiv, October 6-7) participating in the US interagency Conference on English  Language Program in Ukraine
and 2011 - a new small grant "Healthy school"

We are happy to say, that we are starting a new project. It is really wide and has a lot of directions. The title is "Healthy school", so are going to make students and teachers of our school more healthy and more active.

 Our project is mostly educational, not medical. The main goal of project is changing students' and teachers' attitude to their health. They have to understand that besides physical health they have to care about their psychological health. Positive attitude to life helps to be successful and have a lot of achievements. After participation in the project “Healthy school” people will be able to understand the importance of health, learn how to avoid illnesses, find ways of understanding between friends in difficult situations, and refuse
from bad habits and early sexual relations.

Project consists of eight directions:
  1. developing of the system of health-preserving education in school including total physical response, 
  2. improving of the medical support at school, 
  3. sport development, 
  4. sex education, 
  5. creation of the school service of mediation, 
  6. prevention of bad habits and AIDS, 
  7. improving psychological health of students and teachers,
  8. creating school room for mental relaxation.  

Series of trainings and seminars, changing of school routine, implementing of experience of other schools and some new creation are waiting our school for the next year.

We are very proud to get the financial support of the American organisation - IREX, which is sponsored by the US Government.

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